Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Papa Yata…aka The Hot Springs…aka More Adventures with Shelley:

Because of all the volcanoes around here, in certain areas around the country, there have been little pools that have formed or been created with naturally hot water from these mountains. They are known as hot springs (or Aguas Terminales) and are basically just a source of naturally hot water. Some of the host families had taken their trainees to visit these places so word had spread around or Omni of this cool attraction to check out. Shelley and I decided after visiting the Teliferiquo that we wanted to visit the hot springs together next. She mentioned it to her parents to get a little more information on it and they offered to take us both. The particular springs we went to are called Papa Yata and are about an hour or so from Tumbaco up a windy (and a bit dangerous) mountain road. Needless to say, we were glad we opted for the family car option and not the public bus route! In this area (I didn’t catch the name of the town) it is actually winter there when it is summer where we are (so strange, I don’t even know how to explain it). So basically the air outside was freezing! But fortunately the water was quite hot enough! It only cost a few dollars to go into the area and there were several different pools and environments all around (regular pools, showers, a pool with a slide, a Jacuzzi, and one ridiculously freezing cold pool you apparently are supposed to jump in and then get right back into the warm pool immediately after…yeah, no). While we both enjoyed this new environment (and for me, it was nice to just get back into water again!!), I think we had our fill for a little while. Here are a couple pictures from this adventure:


The freezing cold pool! (All the rest were hot)

The hot pool

The water was feeding in through this tube. It's green from the minerals (we think/hope)

They convinced me to try the cold-hot method...

Shelley's mom showing me how it's done

Sooo cold!!!

This is good right? Cuz that's as far as I'm goin!


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