Friday, August 1, 2014


Hey guys so I have an update to tell you on the mail situation. Apparently the government here passed a law recently that will result in me paying upwards of about $42 to receive a package from the states. Total BS I know but you work with what you're dealt. Good thing is this isn't immediate from what we can tell. This is assumed to take effect in the next month or two so if you had been thinking of mailing anything larger than a letter or postcard this way, now would probably be the best time to send it. I have posted the address on the blog event.
 If you need it again, let me know. Now, as with everything gov't related there are a few potentially positive conditions:

- Though we're told this could take effect in the next month or 2, sometimes things move reeeally slow here which, in this case could work to our advantage in the fact that this might not take effect for awhile. It's hard to get a confirmation of when. We've been told by the PC office that it's really just trial and error (mostly on the part of the PCV's) so they'll know when we tell them we just had to pay out the wazoo for a package.

 - We've also been told that this is mostly conditions for things ordered from the internet (like to receive Amazon packages and such). What does that mean? PC still actually isn't 100% sure that this could even affect us if it's a matter of just receiving packages from home. The news we received apparently wasn't very clear. So yes, this whole message might not even in fact matter in the near future. But again, we've been told by the PC office that it's really just trial and error (mostly on the part of the PCV's) so they'll know when we tell them we just had to pay out the wazoo for a package.

Really everything in Ecuador is trial and error. If things change I will certainly say something but otherwise, sending within the next week or two would be lovely. And if you had no intentions of ever sending anything, then blessings to you, completely disregard this message, and carry on about your beautiful day!
Thank you thank you thank you!!